07 January, 2011

Personalni portfolio

Obzirom da sam upravo dobio .in.rs domen, resih da napravim nekakav portfolio/showcase da se malo reklamiram :)

Pogledajte ovde :)

09 February, 2010

Oživljavanje Bloga

Povodom puštanja u pogon Googleovog Buzz-a, rešio sam da oživim svoj skromni blog :)

Poštovani (nepostojeći) followeri, očekujte priliv novih tvorevina mojih mrmotskih veština :)

02 December, 2007

Indestructible Mind - Неразрушимое Сознание

A rather strange experiment in Photoshop, mostly using the Angryblue brushes set.

10 October, 2007

Clay Dragon WIP - varnished

IT'S all glossy now. And pretty much finished- I need only make a pedestal for the 'bust' to sit on...

08 October, 2007

Clay dragon WIP - Paint Phase 1

OKAY, here's the first phase of painting. The picture is megacrappy, I'm waiting for daylight tomorrow to take a better one :)

Clay Dragon WIP - before painting

AT last, he has eyes! I'm going to paint him, and make a pedestal/block of sorts for him to rest on.

06 October, 2007

Clay Dragon WIP - Phase 4

LOOK everyone, he's got horns! And those spikey plates on his lower jaw, too. Still needs eyes, and some finishing touches overall. And, of course, paint :)